gw udah search "Randy Hann" belum ada sih, mudah mudahan ga
His Biography
Spoiler for maaf belum di translate :((:
Randy was born in 1961, in Twillingate, Newfoundland. During his early teen years he moved, with his family, to Toronto, Ontario. After several years of living and working in Toronto, he met and married his wife Tracey. They eventually moved back to Newfoundland with their two children. Randy can always remember being able to draw, even as a child. Whether it was a funny portrait for a friend or a special school project, he always got the call. He didn't really take his ability to draw seriously until years later. Being entirely self-taught, Randy has taken many years developing and refining his technique and style. He loves to draw and paint but his passion is for drawing. Most of his finished works are graphite on paper. Randy's inspiration is found in his own family life and in the picturesque place where he lives. Both play a very important part in his work and are evident in many of his drawings and paintings. He has interest in a wide variety of subject matter including people, wildlife, scenery, and portraits. Randy's work has been exhibited in several solo and group shows and, on many occasions, he has supported special charitable organizations by donating his work for sale or auction. His work can be found in many private collections acrossCanada and in other countries. Randy now lives and works in Carter's Cove, Newfoundland , where he shares his love for life, art, music, and nature with his family
Ini webnya gan, kali aja agan mau kesana belajar sama dia
Silahkan mampir gan
Dan inilah bbrapa pic dari webnya
Spoiler for enjoy :D ati ati BW:
Ga kebayang bisa gambar detil kaya gt ya gan
nah ini gambar gambar update-annya, agak besar tp beberapa emang keren banget gan cek aja ya, bukan dari Randy Hann sih yang penting keren
Spoiler for mantab! ga bakal nyesel bukanya:
Spoiler for lagi nih gan:
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