New-Zealander Maurice Bennet, also known as “Toastman”, creates incredible portraits and abstract works of art using toast. Born in Paeroa, in the late 1950s, Maurice Bennett has always been fascinated by the art world, and as a young man, he traveled the world visiting museums and art galleries learning more and more about traditional and offbeat art. Upon his return to New-Zealand, the starving artist had to find a job, rather than focus on his art career, so he began weighing potatoes at a local market. Before he knew it, he and his wife were owning their own supermarket, and he was able to express himself through art. Maurice’s first artistic experiences had him painting and sculpting, but it wasn’t until he discovered toast as an art medium, that he became a truly fulfilled artist. Throughout the years he created portraits of famous figures such as New Zealand prime minister John Key, rugby legend Jonah Lomu, the Mona Lisa, Elvis Presley , all of which earned him the praise of art critics. Some of his more recent creations include a portrait of American president Barrack Obama, and some abstract works inspired by Maori carvings and Pacific patterns. he even made a portrait of rap star Eminem out thousands of M&Ms. After selling his successful business, in late 2009, Toastman Maurice Bennett is now free to dedicate himself to his family, and his offbeat art. |
Maurice Bennet, asal Selandia baru, juga dikenal sebagai "Toastman", menciptakan potret yang luar biasa dan karya seni abstrak menggunakan roti panggang. Lahir di Paeroa, di akhir 1950-an, Maurice Bennett selalu terpesona oleh dunia seni, dan sebagai seorang pemuda, ia berkeliling dunia mengunjungi museum dan galeri seni seni belajar lebih banyak tentang tradisional dan offbeat. Sekembalinya ke New-Zealand, seniman ini harus mencari pekerjaan, bukannya memusatkan perhatian pada karir seninya, sehingga ia mulai menimbang kentang di pasar lokal. Sebelum ia tahu itu, ia dan istrinya memiliki supermarket sendiri, dan ia dapat mengekspresikan dirinya melalui seni. pengalaman artistik pertama Maurice telah dia lukisan dan patung, tapi tidak sampai ia menemukan roti sebagai media seni, bahwa ia menjadi seorang seniman yang benar-benar terpenuhi. Sepanjang tahun ia diciptakan potret tokoh terkenal seperti Selandia Baru perdana menteri John Key, rugby legenda Yunus Lomu, Mona Lisa, Elvis Presley, semua yang membuatnya mendapatkan pujian dari kritikus seni. Beberapa kreasi yang lebih baru-baru ini termasuk potret presiden Amerika Barrack Obama, dan beberapa karya abstrak terinspirasi oleh ukiran Maori dan pola Pasifik. ia bahkan membuat potret bintang rap Eminem dari ribuan M & Ms Setelah menjual bisnis yang sukses, pada akhir 2009, Toastman Maurice Bennett sekarang bebas untuk mendedikasikan dirinya untuk keluarganya, dan seni offbeat nya. |
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SUMBER http://www.kaskus.us/showthread.php?t=4805863
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