Spoiler for The Devil's Bath:
This ominous looking pool is located in the thermal reserve of Wai-O-Tapu which is in The Bay of Plenty located in New Zealand. The Devil’s Bath is a pea shade of green and it is caused from many different mineral elements in the water. Devil’s Bath was created from heavy volcanic activity in the region and it is thought to date back approximately 160,000 years. Heated streams run underneath the landscape throughout the area and there are many other amazing sites to see along the way
.Pool yg menyenangkan ini terletak di Termal cadangan nya Wai-O-Tapu yg ada di teluk Plenty yg terletak di New Zealand.The Devil's Bath berwarna hijau kacang kapri di sebabkan karena oleh berbagai elemen mineral dalam air.
Devil's Bath terbuat dari aktivitas gunung berapi di wilayah sekitarnya dan di perkirakan terjadinya sekitar 160.000 tahun yg lalu!
Aliran air panas mengalir di seluruh daerah nya.Dan ada banyak lokasi lain yang menakjubkan untuk melihat di sepanjang jalan.
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Spoiler for Vale da Lua (Moon Valley), Bolivia:
The Vale da Lua, or Moon Valley is a place that will literally make you feel like you are on another planet, while walking around you may literally feel like an alien is gonna appear. These rock formations were caused by water erosion over many years and along with the terrestrial landscape there are also natural pools throughout. The rock formations seen are mostly quartz and crystaland.
Vale Da Lula,atau Moon Valley,adalah sebuah tempat yg akan benar benar membuat Anda merasa seperti di luar planet!
sambil berjalan di sekitar,Anda mungkin benar-benar merasa alien akan muncul
batu batu nya bisa kayak gitu karena erosi air selama bertahun tahun dengan bersama-sama dengan pemandangan darat juga ada kolam alami di seluruh tempat.batu batu nya rata rata terbuat dari Quartz dan crystaland.
sambil berjalan di sekitar,Anda mungkin benar-benar merasa alien akan muncul
batu batu nya bisa kayak gitu karena erosi air selama bertahun tahun dengan bersama-sama dengan pemandangan darat juga ada kolam alami di seluruh tempat.batu batu nya rata rata terbuat dari Quartz dan crystaland.
Spoiler for The Great Blue Hole, Belize:
The Blue Hole in the ocean is just off the coast of Belize and this is one that is a great destination for brave scuba divers, and even on your way to Belize for vacation you may see the great Blue Hole as you fly over. I mentioned scuba above and this is one of the top destinations in the world for experienced scuba divers because of how deep the Great Blue Hole is and because it s full of many different caverns and hideaways. Scuba divers also get a close up view of the tropical fish and schools of sharks that inhabit the hole.
The Blue Hole di laut hanya di lepas pantai dari Belize dan ini adalah salah satu tempat untuk penyelam yg pemberani ,dan bahkan dalam perjalanan ke Belize untuk liburan,kalian bisa melihat The Great Blue Hole jika anda terbang di atas (naik helicopter yah ).Ini adalah tempat untuk penyelam yg sudah sangat ber-pengalaman karena betapa dalam The Great Blue Hole nya dan karena juga ada banyak Goa dan banyak tempat rahasia .Penyelam juga bisa melihat ikan tropis dan se kelompok hiu yang menghuni di Hole nya .Dalamnya sekitar 480 kaki atau 145 meter.
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Spoiler for Nazca Lines,Peru:
The Nazca lines are lines that were etched into the ground thousands of years ago by the Nazca people and they are located in the Nazca Desert of Peru. Many of these are just lines but there are also many that resemble people and animals, and they most likely had to do with the religious beliefs of the tribe. There have been many different theories about the lines though, including many about aliens. The Nazca lines definitely make for a great place to visit no matter who you are, and their wonders can be appreciated by all.
Katanya,banyak yg bilang garis2 nya di bantu oleh alien :
Nazca Lines adalah gari garis yg di tergores ke permukaan bumi ribuan tahun yg lalu oleh org2 di Nazca yg terletak di gurun Nazca di Peru.Hanya garis-garis saja,tapi menggambarkan hewan dan manusia.Dan mungkin garis2 nya berhubungan dengan keyakinan agama suku-nya.Sudah ada banyak Teori tentang garis-garis nya,termasuk tentang alien!!.Nazca Lines adalah tempay yg bagus untung di kunjungi!dan ke ajaiban-nya bisa di hormati oleh siapa saja!!
Katanya,banyak yg bilang garis2 nya di bantu oleh alien :
Spoiler for Garis2 yg unik lagi:
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Spoiler for Socotra Island,Yemen:
Socotra Island is located in the Indian Ocean about 200 nautical miles off the coast of Africa. It is part of the Republic of Yemen but it is also one of the most isolated groups of inhabited islands in the world. Socotra Island is full of all types of otherworldly vegetation and almost half of the flora and fauna found on the island is only native to the islands. The islands are an amazing and strange place to visit and are a destination for people, especially those that love to se some of the most beautiful plant life in the world.
Socotra Island terletak di Samudera Hindia sekitar Sejauh 200 mil laut di lepas pantai Afrika.termasuk bagian dari Replubik Yaman,tapi ini juga salah satu tempat paling tidak ber-penghuni dan ter-pencil di dunia.Socotra Island penih dengan semua jenis vegetasi dunia lain dan setengah daru Flora dan Fauna yg di temukan di pulaunya hanya ada di pulaunya (jadi gak ada di tempat2 lain..asli pulau sini punya !).Pulau ini adalah tempat yg menakjubkan dan aneh untuk di kunjungi.Termasuk orang2 yg suka untuk melihat beberapa tumbuhan paling indah di dunia!
sumber : http://www.kaskus.us/showthread.php?t=2838004
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