They may look like perm-sporting rock stars or even perfectly coiffured poodles - but this collection of specially-trimmed wildlife are actually all chickens. |
This egg-straordinary collection of fowl was captured by photographer Stephen Green-Armytage and are a far cry from the ones usually found on British farms or in your local supermarket. |
A Polish non-bearded, white-crested cuckoo cockerel. |
A bearded chamois Polish frizzle. The breed is very popular for exhibition and was virtually extinct until a handful of enthusiasts recently started a breeding program to revive it. They are now considered to be a rare breed. |
A Polish white-crested black cock and chick. Colours of the Poland are very varied with this one being the best known. They have white earlobes and red eyes. |
Mr Green-Armytage, originally from Bath, said "I try to photograph these birds as if they are movie stars, with flattering lighting and neutral studio backgrounds." A Polish bearded, golden-laced does a headstand for the camera. |
A non-bearded white Silkie. The origin of the Silkie hen is uncertain although they have been around for several hundred years, they arrived in Europe around 200 years ago where they were sold as crosses between rabbits and chickens. |
The unusual breeds were captured on camera at poultry shows around the world. A chamois bearded Polish frizzle |
A white Brabant
An Appenzeller Spitzhauben silver spangled
An Appenzeller Spitzhauben silver spangled. This breed originates from Switzerland and are really quite bright. They like having freedom to roam as well as having things to climb as they are always on the go |
A Wyandotte white cockerel
A Wyandotte white cockerel. These are docile birds and their attractive curvy shape, generally good disposition and many attractive varieties make them a good choice for fanciers as well as farmers |
An Appenzeller Spitzhauben silver-spangled. The unique crest points forward like the bonnets on the traditional costume bonnets worn by the ladies in the Appenzellerland region. |
A Polish white hen and chick
An Old English Game Crele
An Old English Game Crele. This breed has been seen in Great Britain since the 19th Century and is a descendant of the ancient fighting cocks. The breed hasn't changed very much for over a thousand years. |
A white Sultan. This breed is supposed to have lived in the Sultans castle gardens in what used to be called Constantinople and was originally known as Sultans Fowl. A Miss Elizabeth Watts of Hampstead introduced them to England from Turkey in 1854. |
A Hamburg silver spangled. The book, entitled 'Extra Extraordinary Chickens' features 61 breeds from around the globe and took Mr Green-Armytage four months to compile.http://www.kaskus.us/showthread.php?t=2809924
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